Sunday, July 5, 2009


smlm ma mOm ajk g visit ma drver bus.n last nite,i had visited him. dye kena strOke.
sO, aQ, prents n 2 of ma brO g r umah dye.u knOw what. tak sangke dye boleh jady sampai cm 2 sekaly. dye dah kurus. mse mula2 sampai, aQ still boley cOntrOl ma emO. lgypun befOre pergy 2, aQ dah nekad tak nak nangis. but,ble ma dad ask him sumtin' n he can't talk. dye pggil ma dad dekat2 nk bisik tp dye still tak boley ckp. aduh. tak taw nk cakap cm ne mse 2 sedih sgt2.tak pasal2, air mate aQ tumpah. dye tgOk je aQ smlm. aQ tak bOley tgOk dye lme2. kang btambah mleleh r air mate aQ ni. dye diam je.nk ckp pn dah tak bOley kn. dye asyk pegang tgn dye 'cuz dye baru balik dr urut n orang 2 kate dye de harapan 'tuk sembuh.but,lOgically,of cOurse mkn mase kn bnd 2. ble dye try sing 1 sOng kt tv 2, lagilah.aQ tahankn je air mate ni.ya Allah. lastly,nek je kete,aQ trus tumpahkn air mate yg t'tahan smenjak tady,time 2 Tuhan je r taw.
ye r, aQ nek bas dye dh 11 tahun tw x. ary2 jmpe dye. his like ma dad.! aQ syg kt dye. tak tahu cm ne Tuhan boley bagi dugaan kt dye sampai cm 2 sekaly.until nOw actually,i still can't accept his replace as ma drver bus 'cuz his da bez driver that i never had okeh.! mmg dye manjekn kitOrang even dye slalu gk r nk merOtan ktrg.huhu.kdg2 2 pekak.! org panggil dye wat 'dunnO je. but that's the very special bOut him.!

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